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Affichage de 1033 - 1044 de 12093
Avis d'intention
Standard for the Installation and Performance...
This Standard applies to the minimum requirements for the installation and operating performance of ventilation and fire suppression systems for commercial, industrial, institutional or similar cooking applications.
Avis d'intention
Fueling appareils résidentiels - fonctionnant...
This standard details the mechanical and electrical requirements for newly manufactured systems that dispense hydrogen gas for vehicles directly into the vehicle fuel storage container and are installed in noncommercial...
Avis d'intention
Electrical Systems for Personal E- Mobility Devices
Note: Due to an SCC administrative oversight the following NOI’s title and scope were updated on November 16, 2016 in the CNS as per an outstanding request from the responsible SDO submitted on August 23, 2016. Scope 1.1...
Avis d'intention
Chaufferettes de construction au gaz
Details test and examination criteria for construction heaters for use with natural and liquefied petroleum gases. A construction heater is primarily intended for temporary use in heating buildings or structures under...
Avis d'intention
Appareils d'aspiration médicale - Partie 1: Appareils...
This Standard specifies safety and performance requirements for electrically powered medical and surgical suction equipment. It applies to equipment used in health care facilities such as hospitals, for domiciliary care of...
Avis d'intention
Systèmes d'évacuation de panache générés par ...
This Standard specifies requirements and guidelines for the design, manufacture, installation, function, performance, maintenance, servicing, documentation, testing, and commissioning of equipment for evacuation of plume...
Avis d'intention
Évaporateurs d'anesthésie - Systèmes de remplissage...
This Standard specifies requirements, including dimensions, for agent-specific filling systems for agent-specific anaesthetic vaporizers.
Avis d'intention
Services de traduction
1.1 La présente norme prescrit les exigences relatives au processus de prestation de services de traduction par le fournisseur de services de traduction (FST). 1.2 La présente norme ne s’applique ni aux services d...
Avis d'intention
Automatique des vapeurs inflammables systèmes...
Scope Details test and examination criteria for flammable vapor sensor systems and components for use in gas-burning appliances. This standard applies to a flammable vapor sensor or system capable of operating throughout a...
Avis d'intention
Fusibles basse tension - Partie 11: Bouchon fusible
Scope This Part applies to plug fuses rated 30 A or less and 125 V ac (127 V ac for Mexico). DC ratings are optional
Avis d'intention
Chaufferettes de construction au gaz
Scope Details test and examination criteria for construction heaters for use with natural and liquefied petroleum gases. A construction heater is primarily intended for temporary use in heating buildings or structures under...
Avis d'intention
Guide sur l'étalonnage des systèmes de réfrigération...
Project Scope Develop a new standard on Industrial refrigeration systems (IRS) and possible new protocol for measuring and reporting the power consumption of IRS and (if applicable) define minimum energy performance...