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Avis d'intention
Véhicules routiers - Composants du système de...
This part of ISO 12614 specifies tests and requirements for the capacitance fuel content gauge, a liquefied natural gas fuel system component intended for use on the types of motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833. This part of...
Avis d'intention
Véhicules routiers - Composants du système de...
This part of ISO 12614 specifies tests and requirements for the heat exchanger - vaporizer, a liquefied natural gas fuel system component intended for use on the types of motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833. This part of ISO...
Avis d'intention
RVéhicules routiers - Composants du système de...
This part of ISO 12614 specifies tests and requirements for the natural gas detector, a liquefied natural gas fuel system component intended for use on the types of motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833. This part of ISO 12614...
Avis d'intention
Véhicules routiers - Composants du système de...
This part of ISO 12614 specifies tests and requirements for the gas temperature sensor, a liquefied natural gas fuel system component intended for use on the types of motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833. This part of ISO 12614...
Avis d'intention
Méthodes d’essai du rendement énergétique des...
1.1 This Standard applies to centrifugal pumps that require a driver-rated output of 373 W (1/2 hp) nominal up to and including 7.46 kW (10 hp) nominal. 1.2 This Standard specifies the method for testing centrifugal pumps to...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l’information — Codage à haute...
This Standard provides accompanying reference software for Rec. ITU-T H.265 | ISO/IEC 23008-2 as an electronic attachment. The software is an integral part of this document. The use of this reference software is not required...
Avis d'intention
Systèmes de traitement autonomes des eaux usées...
La présente norme a pour objet de fixer les exigences quant au rendement des systèmes de traite-ment autonomes des eaux usées résidentielles qui traitent les eaux usées provenant de résidences isolées et de préciser les...
Avis d'intention
Machines à bois - Sécurité - Partie 1: Exigences...
This part of ISO 19085 gives the safety requirements and measures to reduce risks related to woodworking machines arising during operation, adjustment, maintenance, transport, assembly, dismantling, disabling and scrapping —...
Avis d'intention
Soudage des barres d'armature dans les constructions...
1.1 This Standard applies to (a) the design, fabrication, and inspection of welded connections utilizing deformed reinforcing bars and to the certification of companies involved in such work; (b) welding of deformed...
Avis d'intention
Implants cardiovasculaires et systèmes extracorporels...
This International Standard specifies requirements for haemodialysers, haemodiafilters, haemofilters and haemoconcentrators, hereinafter collectively referred to as "the device", for use in humans. This International Standard...
Avis d'intention
Implants cardiovasculaires et systèmes extracorporels...
This International Standard specifies requirements for haemodialysers, haemodiafilters, haemofilters and haemoconcentrators (hereafter referred to as "the device") and (integral and non-integral) transducer protectors which...
Avis d'intention
Coffrets antidéflagrants pour emplacements dangereux...
1.1 This Standard covers the details of construction and tests for explosion-proof enclosures for electrical equipment to be used in Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, and D hazardous locations and in gaseous mines in...