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Des outils d’adaptation climatique pour éclairer...
Une série de cas d’étude qui démontre les avantages d’utiliser les normes pour bâtir des infrastructures durables et résilientes. En savoir plus
Avis d'intention
Ingénierie du logiciel - Certification des logiciels...
1.1 Purpose This International Standard establishes a framework for comparison of schemes for certifying software engineering professionals. A certification scheme is a set of certification requirements for software...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l’information — Architecture ...
There is no scope: Introduction What is UPnP Technology? UPnP technology defines an architecture for pervasive peer-to-peer network connectivity of intelligent appliances, wireless devices, and PCs of all form factors. It is...
Avis d'intention
Génie logiciel - Certification des professionnels...
1.1 Purpose This International Standard establishes a framework for comparison of schemes for certifying software engineering professionals. A certification scheme is a set of certification requirements for software...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Cadre multimédia...
1.1 General This part of ISO/IEC 21000 specifies - how to express Event Report Requests (ER-R) that contain information about which Events to report, what information is to be reported and to whom; - how to express Event...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Cadre multimédia...
1.1 General This part of ISO/IEC 21000 specifies: how to express Event Report Requests (ER-R) that contain information about which Events to report, what information is to be reported and to whom; how to express Event Reports...
Avis d'intention
Guide pour la participation du public
1. Introduction This Guide will help you determine whether or not to involve the public in making a decision or dealing with an issue in which both you and it have an interest. If, after reviewing the first section, you...
Exigences et lignes directrices du CCN – Accréditation...
Le présent document définit les exigences pour l’accréditation des organismes de certification du programme CyberSécuritaire Canada. Elles combinent celles qu’utilisait précédemment CyberNB et les exigences de base de la...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Modèle de référence...
1.1. Introduction to the SCORM Run-Time Environment (RTE) Book The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM®) is often described as a set of books on a bookshelf. The Run-Time Environment (RTE) book is one of a set of...
Avis d'intention
Nanotechnologies - Évaluation des risques des...
This Technical Report describes a process for identifying, evaluating, addressing, making decisions about, and communicating the potential risks of developing and using manufactured nanomaterials, in order to protect the...
Exigences et lignes directrices du CCN relatives...
Le présent document d’exigences et de lignes directrices fait partie d’une série de documents qui définissent les politiques et les exigences opérationnelles des programmes de base établis par le Conseil canadien des normes...
Avis d'intention
Mesure de l'exposition au bruit
1.1 This Standard describes methods for determining the occupational noise exposure level of workers (Lex,T) using sampling techniques. Lex,T represents the long-term noise exposure of workers and is calculated from...