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Affichage de 5365 - 5376 de 11933
Avis d'intention
Gestion des risques liés aux charges neigeuses...
1.1 Généralités Cette norme énonce a) les procédures d'entretien visant à réduire les risques de surcharge de neige sur les bâtiments existants b) les méthodes de surveillance, de détection et d'évaluation des risques des...
Avis d'intention
Gestion de la qualité - Satisfaction de la clientèle...
This International Standard provides guidance for planning, designing, developing, implementing, maintaining and improving an effective and efficient business-to-consumer electronic commerce transaction (B2C ECT) system...
Avis d'intention
Panneaux de distribution et panneaux de distribution...
1.1 This Standard applies to panelboards and enclosed panelboards, rated 600 V and less, for use in nonhazardous locations in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, to provide overcurrent protection for a...
Avis d'intention
Composants du système d'alimentation en carburant...
This standard contains requirements for newly produced compressed natural gas fuel system components, intended for use on natural gas powered vehicles. This standard applies to devices which have a service pressure of either...
Avis d'intention
Norme visant les fiches, les prises de courant...
1.1 These requirements cover EV plugs, EV receptacles, vehicle inlets, vehicle connectors, and EV breakaway couplings, rated up to 800 amperes and up to 600 volts ac or dc. These devices are intended for use with conductive...
Avis d'intention
Composants du système d’eau potable – Effets ...
Cette norme établit les exigences minimales en matière d’effets sur la santé pour les contaminants chimiques et les impuretés qui sont transmis indirectement à l’eau potable par les produits, les composants et les matériaux...
Avis d'intention
Testeurs de tension et de polarité
1.1 This Standard applies to voltage and polarity testers for use in nonhazardous locations, in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, on electrical supply circuits and equipment at points where...
Avis d'intention
Câble gainé non métallique
1.1 This Standard applies to nonmetallic sheathed cables intended for use on systems having a nominal voltage of 300 V and less, in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I. 1.2 In this Standard,...
Avis d'intention
Essais standard pour déterminer la compatibilité...
This Standard applies to cable-pulling lubricants (compounds) and the testing and analysis of their interaction with wire and cable. Cable-pulling lubricants are used to lower the tension on cables when they are installed...
Avis d'intention
Fiches, prises de courant et coupleurs avec contacts...
Scope This document sets the general and dimensional interchangeability requirements for plugs, socket-outlets, connectors and appliance inlets with arcuate contacts of standardized configurations (hereinafter referred to as...
Avis d'intention
Tracteurs agricoles - Équipement monté à l'avant...
This document specifies safety requirements for, and clearance zones around, front-mounted power take-offs (PTO) on agricultural tractors. It is not applicable to tractors which are designed to run in two directions, where...
Avis d'intention
Norme de modélisation énergétique du bâtiment
The goal of the guideline is to provide methods for modellers that result in an accurate as possible energy model. This goal can best be achieved if the guideline is a ‘living document,’ changing and growing as increasing...