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Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Câblage générique...
This part of ISO/IEC 11801 specifies requirements that are common to the other parts of the ISO/IEC 11801 series. Cabling specified by this document supports a wide range of services including voice, data, and video that may...
Avis d'intention
Appareils électromédicaux - Partie 2-56 : Exigences...
201.1 * Scope, object and related standards IEC 60601‐1:2005+A1:2012, Clause 1 applies, except as follows: 201.1.1 Scope Replacement: This document applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of a CLINICAL...
Avis d'intention
Systèmes de management environnemental - Exigences...
This International Standard specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. This International Standard is intended for use by an...
Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification - Méthodes d'essai - ...
This document defines test methods for characteristics of integrated circuit cards with contacts and related interface devices according to the definition given in ISO/IEC 7816-3. Each test method is cross-referenced to one...
Avis d'intention
Cartes et dispositifs de sécurité pour l'identification...
Scope: CSA ISO/IEC 10373-6:21 The ISO/IEC 10373 series defines test methods for characteristics of identification cards according to the definition given in ISO/IEC 7810. Each test method is cross‑referenced to one or more...
Avis d'intention
Appareils électromédicaux - Partie 1-3: Exigences...
1.1 Scope This International Standard applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT and MEDICAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, hereafter referred to as ME EQUIPMENT and ME SYSTEMS. This collateral...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Interface de ...
This document defines the Application Programming Interface (API) and Service Provider Interface (SPI) for standard interfaces within a biometric system that support the provision of that biometric system using components...
Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification - Technique d'enregistrement...
This document is one of a series of standards describing the characteristics for identification cards as defined in the definitions clause and the use of such cards for international interchange. This document specifies...
Avis d'intention
Ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes — Exigences...
This document supports the interest of system users in having consistent, complete, accurate, and usable information. It addresses both available approaches to standardization: a) process standards, which specify the way that...
Avis d'intention
Technologie de l'information - Télécommunications...
This International Standard defines a protocol for the exchange of routeing information between an End System and a Subnetwork Address Resolution Entity, and between an Intermediate System and a Subnetwork Address Resolution...
Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification - Cartes à circuit intégré...
This Recommendation | International Standard defines the OSI Network Service in terms of: a) the primitive actions and events of the Service; b) the parameters associated with each primitive action and event, and the form...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Interconnexion...
This Recommendation | International Standard defines the OSI Network Service in terms of: a) the primitive actions and events of the Service; b) the parameters associated with each primitive action and event, and the form...