Establishes safety standards for transportation of passengers on
devices that are usually referred to by the following names:
aerial ropeways, chair lifts, gondola lifts, T-bar lifts, J-bar
lifts, platter lifts (and similar devices), and rope tows. This
Standard does not cover equipment such as cog railways and cable
cars running on rails. This Standard may be applied with
Condensed phosphates for industrial use (including foodstuffs) — Determination of chloride content —...
Applicable to products having contents expressed in chlorine equal to or more than 30 mg/kg. Potentiometric titration of the chloride ions with standard volumetric silver nitrate solution in a nitric acid-acetone-water medium, at a temperature below 20 0C, using a silver measurement electrode and a colomel reference electrode or a pair of silver-mercury(I) sulphate electrodes. Has also been…
The Standard specifies certain characteristics of the oil. Descriptions and permissible values are given of aspect, colour, odour, relative density at 20/20 °C, refractive index at 20 °C, optical rotation at 20 °C, miscibility with 70 % (V/V) ethanol at 20 °C, acid value, ester value, ester value after acetylation, carbonyl value, and apparent citronellol (rhodinol) content. Most of the values…
Determination of water — Karl Fischer method (General method)
Two methods of titration depending on whether the end point is detected visually or electrometrically are specified. The visual method is only applicable to colourless solutions but can be used when no electrometric apparatus is available. The electrometric method, whether by direct titration or back-titration, is the more accurate one and for this reason recommended. The principle of the test…
Documentation — Numbering of divisions and subdivisions in written documents
Applies to all kinds of written documents, for example manuscripts, printed works, books, journal articles, directions for use and standards. Numbering of divisions and subdivisions is advocated if this - clarifies the sequence, importance and interrelation of individual divisions and subdivisions; - simplifies search and retrieval of certain passages in the text; - makes possible the citation of…
Floor Polish, Water Emulsion, Detergent Resistant, Nonbuffable
1. Scope
1.1 This standard applies to a detergent resistant water emulsion floor
polish suitable for general application on all nonwood floors, and for
sealed wood floors. It should not be used on unsealed wood, cork or
magnesite floors. The floor polish described in this standard is not
buffable, but it may be maintained with spray buffing techniques…
Commercial refrigerated cabinets — Test methods — Part 8: Test for accidental mechanical contact
Establishes the use of IEC standard test fingers in testing protection against mechanical hazard on the normal conditions of use due to contact through openings in commercial refrigerated cabinets intended for the sale and/or display of food products. For tests in respect of accidental electrical contact reference should be made to appropriate IEC tests.
Ammonium nitrate for industrial use — Determination of water content — Karl Fischer method
Describes a method applicable to products having water contents equal to or greater than 0,05 % (m/m). The principle of determination is based on the reaction of water with a solution of iodine and sulphur dioxide in a pyridine-methanol mixture (Karl Fischer reagent) which is standardized previously by titration of an exactly known mass of water. The end point of the reaction is then determined…