Industrial-process measurement and control - Terms and definitions
Standardizes terms and definitions in the field of industrial process measurement and control. Includes conventional and specialized terms to describe the physical nature, the use, and the performance of instrumentation and instrument systems for measurement and control in the process industry. Has the status of a technical report.
Test methods for multichannel analyzers as multichannel scalers
Applies to multichannel analysers (MCA) operating as multichannel scalers (MCS). This standard presents specific terms relating to the main characteristics and establishes test methods for these characteristics.
Semiconductor devices. Integrated circuits. Part 4: Interface integrated circuits.
Gives standards for the following categories or sub-categories of interface integrated circuits:
-Category I:
Sub-category A: Line circuits (transmitters and receivers);
Sub-category B: Sense amplifiers;
Sub-category C: Peripheral drivers (including memory
drivers) and level shifters;
Sub-category D: Voltage comparators.
-Category I I:
Linear and non-linear analogue-to-digital and digital-to-…
Ferroalloys — Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling and sample preparation
Applies to ferroalloys given in the relevant International Standards. Should be read in conjunction with ISO 3713, ISO 7087 and ISO 7373. Includes four annexes.
International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 845: Lighting
Comprises some 950 terms and definitions to promote international standardization in the use of quantities, units, symbols and terminology in the field of lighting. Is also CIE Publication 17.4: International Lighting Vocabulary.
It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
Ferroalloys — Experimental methods for checking the precision of sample division
The methods are carried out on the gross sample or sub-sample obtained from a ferroalloy consignment according to the methods prescribed in the relevant International Standard. The methods are applicable to the taking of increments of crushable ferroalloys but are not applicable to uncrushable ferroalloys of which increments are taken by boring.
Ferroalloys — Sampling and preparation of samples — General rules
The methods given are applicable to increment sampling of consignments supplied both in bulk and in packed form during loading or unloading, and to sampling of consignments in stationary stockpiles. Specifies the methods of both manual and mechanical sampling. Should be read in conjunction with the relevant International Standards for individual types of ferroalloys.
Plastics — Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat, water spray and salt mist
Specifies the exposure conditions of plastics under test to damp heat (steady state test or cyclic test), to water spray and to sodium chloride salt mist. Determination of one or more properties before and after given periods of exposure in the specified environmental conditions and observation of any change appearance. The test duration shall be as specified in the relevant standard or as agreed…
Applies to Factory-Built Chimney Connectors which do not require
field fabrication. They are for use with gas, liquid and solid
fuel-fired residential appliances and building heating equipment
where the flue-gas temperatures do not normally exceed 650
degrees C. They are intended for use inside buildings to form a
connection to a factory-built chimney suitable for use with solid
fuel, or…
Gapless Metal Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating Current Systems
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies only to gapless metal oxide surge arresters of separate mounting or those supplied integrally with other equipment. The surge arresters are designed to limit voltage surges in 50 or 60 Hz alternating current power circuits by passing surge discharge current without causing power interruption.
1.2 The values given in SI (metric) units are the standard…