Intelligent transport systems — Field device Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) data interfac...
Field devices are a key component in intelligent transport systems (ITS). Field devices include traffic signals, message signs, weather stations, traffic sensors, roadside equipment for connected ITS environments, etc.
The ISO 26048 series defines data that can be used to manage field devices, including device configuration, control, and monitoring. Field devices can be quite complex,…
Information technology — Keyboard layouts for text and office systems — Part 1: General principles g...
ISO/IEC 9995 defines a framework for the layout of all alphanumeric and numeric keyboards across the widest spectrum of today's and upcoming applications using keyboards. The functions to be performed by keyboards are grouped into three categories that correspond to the main physical sections of the keyboard.
Application of ISO/IEC 9995 in the design of keyboards will provide the user with a…
Information technology — Keyboard layouts for text and office systems — Part 10: Conventional symbol...
ISO/IEC 9995 defines a framework for the layout of all alphanumeric and numeric keyboards across the widest spectrum of today's and upcoming applications using keyboards. The functions to be performed by keyboards are grouped into three categories that correspond to the main physical sections of the keyboard.
Application of ISO/IEC 9995 in the design of keyboards will provide the user with a…
Technologie du combustible nucléaire — Dosage de l'uranium dans des solutions, l'hexafluor...
L'ISO 7097-1:2004 spécifie une méthode analytique de dosage de l'uranium dans les produits purs tels que U métal, UO2, UO3, U3O8, le nitrate d'uranyle et l'hexafluorure d'uranium du cycle du combustible. Ce mode opératoire est suffisamment juste et précis pour être utilisé pour la comptabilité des matières nucléaires.
Cette méthode peut être appliquée directement pour les…