Aircraft — Joints for connecting crew members' regulator masks to oxygen sources
Gives joint lock dimensions for connecting these masks to sources in aircraft and helicopters. Joint dimensions standardization provides interchangeability with masks of various types. The basic dimensions and tolerances are shown in figures 1 and 2. Dimensions without tolerances can correspond to national standards. The lock halves shall be installed as shown in figures 1 and 2.
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard provides the minimum criteria for the design, erection and use of single membrane, unreinforced or reinforced air-supported structures.
1.2 This Standard is intended only for single independent air- supported structures and those which are contiguous with other structures and are attached through a common element.
1.3 This Standard does not apply to…
General Requirements for Seismic Qualification of CANDU Nuclear Power Plants
1. Scope
1.1 General This Standard sets forth the general requirements for seismic qualification of CANDU Nuclear Power Plants. ,, It applies to all structures and systems of the CANDU Nuclear Power Plant that require seismic qualification based on nuclear safety considerations. ,,
1.2 This Standard may also be applied to such other structures and syst ems of a nuclear power plant as…
Code of Practice for Safety in Demolition of Structures
1. Scope
1.1 General
1.1.1 This Standard outlines the safety precautions to be observed and procedures to be used before, during, and after demolition operations to provide for the safety of the public, workers, and property.
1.1.2 Demolition procedures for both systematic and rapid progressive failure methods are described. Particular emphasis is given to areas of known concern…
Load Test Procedure for Wood Roof Trusses for Houses and Small Buildings
1. Scope
1.1 General
This Standard covers the load test procedure for evaluating the
strength and deformation performance of wood roof trusses intended for
use in housing and small buildings as defined in Part 9 of the National
Building Code of Canada.
Note: Part 9 of the National Building Code of Canada provides detailed
Amendement 1 - Prises de courant pour usage domestique et usage général similaire. Normes.
Regroupe les feuilles de normes relatives à trois séries de prises de courant pour usage domestique et usage général similaire:
Série A: American National Standards Institute (A.N.S.I.)
Série B: British Standards Institution (B.S.I.)
Série C: Commission Internationale de Réglementation en
vue de l'Approbation de l'Equipement Electrique
Cette publication a le statut d'un…