Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AMH1n - Message
Handling Systems - Com...
The international community has decided to make this standard available only in
the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of
Canada on this basis.
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-4:1994.
1 Scope
1.1 General
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10611 covers access to a Message Transfer System (MTS)
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AMH1n - Message
Handling Systems - Com...
The international community has decided to make this standard available only in
the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of
Canada on this basis.
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard
ISO/IEC ISP 10611-5:1994.
1 Scope
1.1 General
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10611 covers access to a message store (MS) using the
P7 MS…
1. SCOPe
1.1 This standard specifies the requirements for steel wire paper clips of
the Gem and Ideal types used to secure paper sheets.
1.2 The testing and evaluation of a product against this standard may
require the use of materials and/or equipment that could be hazardous.
This document does not purport to address all the safety aspects…
1. SCOPe
1.1 This standard specifies the requirements for spring-type paper clips
` designed to hold various quantities of paper depending on the type and
size of clip.
1.2 The testing and evaluation of a product against this standard may
require the use of materials and/or equipment that could be hazardous.
This document does not purport to address…
Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange
Format: Raster graphics co...
The international community has decided to make this standard available only in
the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of
Canada on this basis.
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard
ISO/IEC 8613-7:1994.
1 Scope
The purpose of the ITU-T Rec. T.410-Series | ISO/IEC 8613 is to facilitate the
interchange of documents.
In the…
Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange
Format: Geometric graphics...
The international community has decided to make this standard available only in
the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of
Canada on this basis.
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard
ISO/IEC 8613-8:1994.
1 Scope
The purpose of the ITU-T Rec. T.410-Series | ISO/IEC 8613 is to facilitate the
interchange of documents.
In the…
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
Part 0: General requirements
1. Scope
1.1 This standard specifies the general requirements for construction, testing
and marking of electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres and is
supplemented of modified by the following parts of IEC Publication 79
concerning specific types of protection:
- Flameproof Enclosures (Publication 79-1)
- Pressurized Enclosures (Publication 79-2)
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 11: Instrinsic safety
1 Scope
1.1 This part of IEC 79 prescribes the specific requirements for the design,
construction, testing, and marking of electrical apparatus and electrical
systems with type of protection "i". It also contains requirements for
associated apparatus that is not protected for use within an explosive gas
atmosphere but contains both intrinsically-safe circuits and
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 15: Electrical
apparatus with type of pro...
1. Scope
This report specifies requirements for the construction, assessment and
testing of electrical apparatus with type of protection "n" which, when
operating normally within its rated duty, is unlikely to be capable of
igniting a surrounding explosive gas atmosphere.
This report specifies the features of apparatus which shall be…
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 18: Encapsulation "m"
This National Standard of Canada is based on International Standard CEI/IEC 79-18:1992.
1 Scope
This part of IEC 79 prescribes the specific requirements for construction and
testing of electrical apparatus, parts of electrical apparatus and Ex
components which have rated voltages not exceeding 11 kV with the type of
protection encapsulation "m".
These specific requirements supplement…