Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Presentation Environment for Multi...
This part of ISO/IEC 14478 defines a standard set of multimedia system services that can be used by multimedia application developers in a variety of computing environments. The focus is on enabling multimedia applications in a heterogeneous, distributed computing environment. Throughout this part of ISO/IEC 14478, this component will also be referred to as "Multimedia Systems Services…
Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Presentation Environment for Multi...
This part of ISO/IEC 14478 describes a set of Object types and non-Object types to provide the construction of, presentation of, and the interaction with Multimedia information. The multimedia information tan be graphics, Video, audio, or other types of presentable media. This information tan be enhanced by time aspects. Throughout this document this part of ISO/IEC 14478 will also be referred to…
Information technology — Elements of management information related to the OSI Network Layer
This Recommendation | International Standard provides the specification of management information within an Open
System related to those operations of the OSI Network Layer. Specifics on how Network layer management is
accomplished is beyond the scope of this Recommendation | International Standard. Network Layer management
information is defined by specifying:
? the managed object class…
Information technology — Elements of management information related to OSI Transport layer
This Recommendation | International Standard provides the specification of management information within an Open
System related to those operations of the OSI Transport Layer specified by ITU-T Recommendations and ISO/IEC
International Standards. Specifics on how Transport Layer management is accomplished is beyond the scope of this
Recommendation | International Standard. Transport Layer…
Information technology — Computer graphics and image processing — Presentation Environment for Multi...
This part of ISO/IEC 14478 defines a standard set of multimedia system services that can be used by multimedia application developers in a variety of computing environments. The focus is on enabling multimedia applications in a heterogeneous, distributed computing environment. Throughout this part of ISO/IEC 14478, this component will also be referred to as "Multimedia Systems Services…
Information technology — Computer graphics and image processing — Presentation Environment for Multi...
This part of ISO/IEC 14478 describes a set of Object types and non-Object types to provide the construction of, presentation of, and the interaction with Multimedia information. The multimedia information tan be graphics, Video, audio, or other types of presentable media. This information tan be enhanced by time aspects. Throughout this document this part of ISO/IEC 14478 will also be referred to…
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private Integ...
This International Standard is a part of the functional requirements for the Private Integrated Services Network (PISN)
and defines the functions and procedures that are required by Private Integrated Services Network exchanges (PINXs)
and the intervening network (IVN) in order to establish Inter-PINX Connections (IPC). The IPC is used for the transfer
of signalling and user information between…
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integ...
This International Standard is a part of the functional requirements for the Private Integrated Services Network (PISN)
and defines the functions and procedures that are required by Private Integrated Services Network exchanges (PINXs)
and the intervening network (IVN) in order to establish Inter-PINX Connections (IPC). The IPC is used for the transfer
of signalling and user information between…
Oil of nutmeg, Indonesian type (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)
This International Standard specifies certain characteristics of the oil of nutmeg, Indonesian type (Myristica fragrans Houtt.), in order to facilitate assessment of its quality.
Iron ores — Experimental methods for evaluation of quality variation
This International Standard specifies experimental methods for the evaluation of quality variation of iron ores for each type of iron ore being traded and for each handling plant.
Two distinct approaches are specified. The first is to analyse interleaved samples composed of a number of paired increments taken and combined alternately following stratified sampling or systematic sampling as…