Système de Tailles Canada Standard pour vêtements de dames
S'applique au système de base de Tailles Canada Standard pour
vêtements de dames. Elle décrit le système, la méthode
d'élaboration et regroupe sous forme de tableaux les mensurations
en unités métriques pour les gammes normalisées de tailles
représentant presque complètement la population féminine adulte.
Les chaussures, la bonneterie et les gants ne font pas l'objet du…
Application du système de Tailles Canada Standard pour vêtements de dames
Décrit les modifications apportées au système de Tailles Canada
Standard présenté dans la norme CAN2-49.201-M. Entre autres,
deux mesures déterminantes du corps, la longueur de tronc et la
hauteur d'enfourchure, ont été remplacées respectivement par deux
mesures déterminant la taille qui sont la longueur du dos et la
hauteur à la ceinture, dans le but de mieux adapter le système
Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel (Industrial Radiography
1. Scope
1.1 This standard provides recommended course guidelines for the minimum
essential training of, and a procedure for the certification of three
levles of personnel to perform industrial radiography according to
generally accepted and recognized procedures and techniques.
1.2 Such certification shall provide recognition of the qualifications and…
Applies to the basic Canada Standard sizing system for woman's
apparel. It describes the system and development procedure and
provides in tabular form body measurements in metric units for
standard size ranges covering practically all of the adult female
population. This sizing system does not cover footwear, hosiery
or gloves.
Application of the Canada Standard System for the Sizing of Women's Wearing Apparel
Presents a modification of the complete Canada Standard sizing
system described in CAN2-49.201-M. More specifically, the
control body dimensions trunk length and crotch height have been
replaced by the size indicator dimensions back-waist length and
waist height, respectively, to make the system conform more
closely to present trade practice.
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers procedures for the sampling and testing of brick for size and warpage, modulus of rupture, compressive strength, absorption, saturation coefficient, effect of freezing-thawing, initial rate of absorption, and efflorescence.
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers hollow building and facing brick made from clay, shale, fireclay, or mixtures thereof and burned for use in brick masonry.
1.2 This Standard excludes ceramic or other glazed brick. Brick to be treated with water-repellent materials must qualify under this Standard prior to such application. Note: For information regarding workmanship, see Appendix A.
Canada Standard Sizes for Women's Apparel - Trade Sizes
Describes the abridged Canada Standard sizing system which may be
used as a guide in the selection of women's wearing apparel. The
standard contains a selection of those sizes from the complete
system which are of greatest commercial interest.
Three-Phase, Dead-Front, Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers the features of three-phase dead-front pad-mounted distribution units consisting of transformer and cable entrance compartment with provision for separable insulated high-voltage connectors. For other details, reference s hall be made to CSA Standard C2, Single-Phase and Three-Phase Distribution Transformers, Types ONAN and LNAN.
1.2 The rated kVA…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers the minimum strength and safety requirements, sizes, marking, and packaging for body belts and safety straps. The equipment specified is intended for use by employees in the power and communication utilities.
1.2 This Standard does not apply to belts or straps for purposes other than those stated.
1.3 This Standard does not cover specific designs for…