Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) — Classification — Part 5: Family T (Turb...
Establishes the detailed classification. Should be read in conjunction with part 0. This classification excludes, for the time being, more specific applications for aircraft and hydraulic turbines. Standards containing specifications defining the categories of products available on the market are being prepared. Provision has been made for certain applications including some product categories…
Aerospace — Alloy steel bolts with strength classification 1 100 MPa and MJ threads — Procurement sp...
Specifies the characteristcs and quality assurance requirements for bolts with normal heads. Applies to bolts as defined provided that reference is made to this International Standard in the product standard or definition document. Gives definitions and technical requirements and test methods as well as information on qualification testing and a classification of defects.
Information processing systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Internal organization of the Network...
Provides an architectural model of the OSI Network Layer as a frame for OSI Network Layer standardization. Is intended for use in the design and applicable of Network Layer protocols. To be used to provide a common set of concepts and terminology for Network Layer standards; to analyse Network Layer functionality and classify Network Layer protocols; to specify the use of "real network…
Aerospace — Corrosion- and heat-resisting steel bolts with strength classification 1 100 MPa and MJ ...
Specifies the characteristics and quality assurance requirements for bolts with normal heads. Applies to bolts as defined, provided that reference is made to this International Standard in the product standard or definition document. Gives definitions, technical requirements and test methods, qualification and acceptance values for tension fatigue test, classification of defects, sampling plans…
Manual Drafting Requirements for Drawings to be Microfilmed
This standard applies to manual drafting practices used in the preparation of
all types of drawings for which microfilming is anticipated.
For computer aided drafting (CAD) practices, refer to CSA Standard B78.5,
Computer Aided Drafting (Construction), (in preparation).
Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Connection Oriented Session S...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO 8326:1987.
1 Scope and Field of Application
This International Standard defines in an abstract way the externally visible service provided by the OSI Session Layer in terms of
(a) the primitive actions and events of the service;
(b) the parameter data associated with each primitive action and event;
Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Connection Oriented Session P...
This National Standard is equivalent to International Standard ISO 8327:1987.
It specifies:
a) procedures for a single protocol for the transfer of data
and control information from one session entity to a peer session
b) the means of selecting the functional units to be used by the
session entities;
c) the structure and encoding of the session protocol data units
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to dry type, air-cooled transformers, autotransformers (fixed and variable), and primary-circuit reactors intended for use in, on, or associated with other approved equipment in capacities of 1000 kV·A and less and for primary voltages of 750 V or less, 60 Hz and less, and intended for use in nonhazardous locations in accordance with the Canadian…
1. Scope
This Standard applies to ac and dc motors with inherent overheating protection
designed to be used in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical
Code, Part I, as follows:
(a) motors with a voltage rating not exceeding 600 V and with a protective
device connected in the motor circuits;
(b) impedance protected motors with a voltage rating not exceeding 600 V; and