Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between
Systems - Protocol Com...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard
ISO/IEC 8880-2:1990.
1.1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 8880 describes the provision and support of the
Connection-mode Network Service defined in ISO 8348. The field of application
of ISO/IEC 8880-2 is the environments defined in 1.5.
Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between
Systems - Protocol Com...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 8880-3:1990.
1.1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 8880 describes the provision and support of the
Connectionless-mode Network Service defined in ISO 8348. The field of
application of ISO/IEC 8880-2 is the environments defined in 1.5.
1.1 This Standard covers barrel-type hydrants with compression shut-off and
slide gate shut-off, for general water works service.
1.2 Hydrants shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 1000 kPa.
1.3 Hydrants of special design, including those having built-in hose gates,
and hydrants designed for higher working pressure are not covered by this
1.4 Hydrants with…
Standard for Light Attack Fire Fighting Apparatus (Mini-Pumper)
1. SCOPe
1.1 This Standard is intended to cover essential requirements for ensuring
satisfactory performance of light attack apparatus for fire-fighting service.
1.2 The type of apparatus covered by this Standard is intended to supplement
the standard apparatus normally used by public fire departments.
These requirements apply to Factory-Built Type 'A' Chimneys which do not
require field fabrication. They are for use with gas and liquid fuel-fired
residential appliances and building heating equipment, where the appliance or
equipment flue-gas temperatures do not exceed 540 degrees C. They are intended
for use in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada, Installation
1.1 Covers the design and construction of Type B (round or oval) and Type Bw
Gas Vents. Type B Gas Vents are intended for the venting of flue gases having
temperatures not exceeding 245 degrees C, from gas-fired appliances certified
with draft hoods or diverters. Type BW Gas Vents are intended for the venting
of flue gases from gas-fired wall furnaces and the maximum input to a Type Bw
1.1 These requirements cover the construction and performance of heat shields
for vertical installation between heat producing appliances, chimney connectors
and combustible construction.
1.2 Heat shields are intended for attachment to combustible construction for
the reduction of specified minimum clearances for heat producing appliances.
1.3 Heat shields are rated on a percentage…
Standard for Lining Systems for New Masonry Chimneys
These requirements cover lining systems for new masonry chimneys.
Liners are for use with gas, liquid and solid fuel-fired residential appliances
and building heating equipment, where the flue-gas temperatures normally do not
exceed 650 degrees C. They are intended for use in accordance with the
National Building Code of Canada, the Installation Code for Oil Burning
Equipment, CAN/CSA-…
Textile Test Methods Standard Light Sources for Colour Matching of Textiles
1.1 This method describes a procedure developed for colour matching of
1.2 Three different types of light sources are provided. These are intended
to simulate north-sky daylight, incandescent lighting and commercial (minus
red) fluorescent lighting.
Contains a list of generic names, for technical and commercial use, for the
different categories of man-made fibres manufactured at present on an
industrial scale for textile and other purposes.
This standard contains all of the generic names contained in International
Standard ISO 2076, Man-made fibres - Generic names. Generic names for other
fibres in general use on the North American…