Textile Test Methods Formaldehyde in Textiles - Part 2: Method for
Determination of "Free&qu...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to British Standards Institution
standard BS 6806:Part 2:1987.
This part of BS 6806 describes a method for determining the amount of "free"
formaldehyde in textiles, the presence of which may cause skin irritation.
This procedure is applicable to any textile product finished with a
formaldehyde-based agent which is readily water…
Textile Test Methods Formaldehyde in Textiles - Part 3: Method for
Determination of Released Form...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to British Standards Institution
standard BS 6806:Part 3:1987.
This Part of BS 6806 describes a method for determining the extent to which
resin-finished textile materials release formaldehyde into the atmosphere.
This procedure may be applied to any textile product containing a formaldehyde
based precursor.
Canada Standard Children's Sizes 2 to 6X, Girls' Sizes 7 to 16 and Boys'
Sizes 7 to 2...
Applies to the dimensions considered essential to provide for the fit of
unlined or lightweight-lined outerwear coats and jackets, with or without
hoods, that are intended for wear by little girls and little boys, (CSS regular
range, sizes 2 to 6X), girls (CSS regular range, sizes 7 to 16) and boys (CSs
regular range, sizes 7 to 20).
Infants' Canada Standard Sizes Overalls and Sunsuits - Dimensions
Applies to the dimensions considered essential to provide for the fit of
overalls and sunsuits made from nonstretch fabric, over diapers for wear by
infants. The dimensions given allow for the average thickness of diapers.
Boys' Canada Standard Sizes 2 to 20, Slim and Regular Ranges and Sizes 8 to 18,
Husky Range, Re...
Applies to the dimensions considered essential to provide for the fit of
natural-waist fitting long pants and shorts for wear by little boys (CSS Slim
and Regular Ranges sizes 2 to 6X), and boys (CSS Slim and Regular Ranges sizes
7 to 20 and Husky Range sizes 8 to 18).
Girls' Canada Standard Sizes 2 to 16, Regular-Rise Pants and Shorts, Slim and
Regular Ranges - ...
Applies to the dimensions considered essential to provide for the fit of
natural-waist fitting long pants and shorts for wear by little girls (CSS Slim
and Regular Ranges sizes 2 to 6X), and girls (CSS Slim and Regular Ranges sizes
7 to 16).
Girls' Canada Standard Sizes 2 to 16 Regular Range, and Sizes 6-1/2 to 14-1/2
Chubby Range, Jum...
Applies to the dimensions considered essential to provide for the fit of woven
and knitted jumpers and tunics (including school tunics) that are intended for
wear by girls (CSS regular range, sizes 2 to 16 and CSS chubby range, sizes
6-1/2 to 14-1/2). These jumpers and tunics have the following features and
a. Sleeveless and collarless
b. A-line, semi-waisted or waisted,…
Two-Component Polyurethane Coating, Resistant to Chalking and Yellowing
Applies to a two-component, pigmented polyurethane coating for interior and
exterior use on metal, wood, fibreglass reinforced plastic and concrete where
enhanced durability and resistance to chemicals, abrasion, impact, water,
corrosion, yellowing and chalking are desired.
Where a polyurethane coating that may exhibit some yellowing and chalking is
acceptable, see CGSB standard 1-GP-180M.
Girls' Canada Standard Sizes 2 to 16 Woven and Tricot Knit Slips, Regular Range
- Dimensions
Applies to the dimensions considered essential to provide for the fit of woven
and tricot knit slips with adjustable straps or built-up shoulders that are
intended for wear by little girls (CSS Regular Range sizes 2 to 6X) and girls
(CSS Regular Range sizes 7 to 16).
Boys' Canada Standard Sizes 2 to 20 - Overalls, Regular Range - Dimensions
Applies to the dimensions considered essential to provide for the fit of
overalls made from non-stretch fabrics for wear by boys (CSS Regular Range
sizes 2 to 20).