Information processing systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Internal organization of the Network...
Provides an architectural model of the OSI Network Layer as a frame for OSI Network Layer standardization. Is intended for use in the design and applicable of Network Layer protocols. To be used to provide a common set of concepts and terminology for Network Layer standards; to analyse Network Layer functionality and classify Network Layer protocols; to specify the use of "real network…
Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Connection Oriented Session S...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO 8326:1987.
1 Scope and Field of Application
This International Standard defines in an abstract way the externally visible service provided by the OSI Session Layer in terms of
(a) the primitive actions and events of the service;
(b) the parameter data associated with each primitive action and event;
Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Connection Oriented Session P...
This National Standard is equivalent to International Standard ISO 8327:1987.
It specifies:
a) procedures for a single protocol for the transfer of data
and control information from one session entity to a peer session
b) the means of selecting the functional units to be used by the
session entities;
c) the structure and encoding of the session protocol data units
Information processing - Data encipherment - Physical layer interoperability requirements
Defines interoperability and security related requirements for using encipherment at the physical layer of the ISO Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model in telecommunication systems conveying Automatic Data Processing (ADP) information. Facilitates interoperation of data encipherment equipment. Applicable mainly to various encipherment algorithms. Annex B provides additional…
Information processing — Data encipherment — Physical layer interoperability requirements
La présente Norme internationale s'applique aux systèmes de chiffrement des informations ADP dans la couche physique des systèmes de transmission de données. La présente Norme internationale s'applique, que l'équipement de chiffrement des données (ECD) constitue un élément physiquement distinct de l'équipement ou qu'il fasse partie intégrante de l'équipement terminal…
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 1: General rules.
Applies, when required by the relevant product standard, to switchgear and controlgear hereinafter referred to as 'equipment' and intended to be connected to circuits, the rated voltage of which does not exceed 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.
It states those general rules and requirements which are common to low-voltage equipment as defined in Subclause 1.1, including for example:…
Appareillage à basse tension. Première partie: Règles générales.
S'applique, lorsque la norme de matériel correspondante le précise, à l'appareillage désigné matériel», et destiné à être relié à des circuits dont la tension assignée ne dépasse pas 1 000 V en courant alternatif ou 1 500 V en courant continu. Fixe les règles et prescriptions générales communes au matériel à basse tension défini au paragraphe 1.1, comprenant par exemple:
- les…