For specific information see individual standards in the series.
Sets forth requirements for materials, analysis of materials, and
operational practices for pressure and thermal impregnation for
the chemical preservation of wood.
Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection Oriented Presentation Pr...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO 8823-1988.
It specifies:
a) procedures for the transfer of data and control information
from one presentation-entity to a peer presentation-entity;
b) the means of selecting, by means of functional units, the
procedures to be used by the presentation-entities;
c) the structure and encoding of the…
Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection Oriented Presentation Se...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO 8822-1988.
It defines (in an abstract way) the externally visible service provided by the OSI Presentation Layer in terms of:
a) the primitive actions and events at the user/service boundary;
b) the parameter data associated with each primitive action and event;
c) the relationship between, and the valid…
Vapour Barrier, Jacket and Facing Material for Pipe, Duct and Equipment
Thermal Insulation
This standard applies to two types of vapour barrier jacket and facing material
comprised of aluminum foil, glass fibre scrim and paper laminated with
adhesive, for use in the temperature range of -20 to 65 degrees C over thermal
insulation for pipes, ducts and equipment.
For more detailed information on intended uses, see par. 8.2.
Describes a serial, unidirectional, self-clocking interface for the interconnection of digital audio equipment for consumer and professional applications. In both cases, the clock references and auxiliary information are transmitted along with the programme. Provision is also made to allow the interface to carry data related to computer software.
Décrit une interface série, unidirectionnelle, auto-synchronisante, pour l'interconnexion des appareils audionumériques grand public et professionnels. Dans les deux cas, les références d'horloge et des informations auxiliaires sont transmises avec le programme. On a également prévu des dispositions pour acheminer des données relatives aux logiciels d'ordinateur.