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Affichage de 505 - 516 de 10681
Avis d'intention
Vannes à commande manuelle destinées aux stations...
This Standard contains safety requirements for the material, design, manufacture and testing of manually operated valves for gaseous hydrogen vehicle fueling stations. It applies to newly manufactured valves. It does not...
Avis d'intention
Antidémarreurs à éthylomètre
This Standard describes the performance standards, technical specifications, physical markings, and qualification tests required for breath alcohol ignition interlock devices. This Standard identifies the functional...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Techniques d'...
This part of ISO/IEC 15426 defines test methods and minimum accuracy criteria for verifiers using the methodology of ISO/IEC 15416 for linear bar code symbols, and specifies reference calibration standards against which these...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l’information — Biométrie utilisée...
This Standard provides guidance for developing a consistent and secure method of biometric (either alone or supported by non-biometric) personalization and authentication in a mobile environment for systems procured on the...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information — Cadre de métamodèle...
1.1 Inclusions This is a part of the ISO/IEC19763 (Metamodel framework for interoperability) (MFI) family of standards. As the first part of MFI, this part provides an overview of the whole of MFI. In particular, the purpose...
Avis d'intention
L'ergonomie au bureau
Scope General This guideline incorporates ergonomics into a step-by-step process for the optimal design of office systems, including the design of jobs and work organization, layout of the office, environmental conditions...
Avis d'intention
Les structures de gestion des eaux pluviales ...
1.1 This Standard covers polymeric subsurface stormwater management structures and accessories used in the collection, detention, retention, and infiltration of stormwater runoff. Applications include, but are not limited to...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Fibre Channel...
The measurement methods and specifications are intended to be used as part of a total signal performance compliance requirement set where the phase content of the signal is involved. A more generalized concept for jitter...
Avis d'intention
Sources puissance de soudage Rechargeable Battery...
This Standard applies to rechargeable battery-powered welding power sources for arc welding and allied processes and the battery packs for such equipment. Since battery packs for welding power sources are submitted to...
Avis d'intention
Dispositifs de sécurité et de commande pour brûleurs...
This document specifies safety, construction, performance and testing requirements for controls for gasburners and gas burning appliances for use with natural gas, manufactured gas or liquefied petroleum gas(LPG). This...
Avis d'intention
Essais de rendement énergétique des petits moteurs
The second edition of the CSA C747, Energy efficiency test methods for small motors has been reaffirmed twice since the 2009 publication. In the last ten years publication reviews and revisions have been completed by other...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l’information — Techniques de...
This Standard provides guidance for the management of identity information and for ensuring that an identity management system conforms to ISO/IEC 24760-1 and ISO/IEC 24760-2. This Standard is applicable to an identity...