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Affichage de 3409 - 3420 de 12021
Avis d'intention
Véhicule routier - Connecteur de ravitaillement...
The standard specifies liquefied natural gas (LNG) refueling nozzles and receptacles constructed entirely of new and unused parts and materials for road vehicles powered by LNG. An LNG refuelling connector consists of, as...
Avis d'intention
Performances de freinage - Machines minières ...
This Standard describes minimum performance criteria for the service braking system, secondary braking system, and parking system for rubber-tired, self-propelled underground mining machines with maximum rated speeds of 32...
Avis d'intention
Équipement mobile pour mines souterraines - Exigences...
This standard applies to new or unused self-propelled, non-rail-bound, mobile machines for use underground non-gassy mines or gassy mines. This Standard describes the technical aspects and procedures necessary for the design...
Avis d'intention
Sécheuses à gaz, V I, Sécheuses de type 2
This Standard applies to newly produced Type 1 clothes dryers (see Clause 3, Definitions), hereinafter referred to as dryers, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials: use with natural gas; use with...
Avis d'intention
Gestion de la qualité pour les prestataires de...
The scope of this project is to develop the 2 nd edition of Z364.6.
Avis d'intention
Installation et fonctionnement en toute sécurité...
The scope of the is to develop the 3 rd edition of Z364.5
Avis d'intention
Absorbeurs d'énergie personnels et longes
This Standard specifies requirements for the performance, design, testing, marking, and instructions of personal energy absorbers and lanyards, including lineman’s pole straps and integrally connected lanyards and energy...
Avis d'intention
Personal Flotation Devices - Part 3: Lifejackets...
This adoption of ISO 12402-3 specifies the safety requirements for lifejackets, performance level 150. It applies to lifejackets used by adults or children.
Avis d'intention
Gestion des risques liés à la fatigue des premiers...
The scope of this project is to develop an evidence-informed National Standard on First Responder Workplace Fatigue Risk Management and related tools which will be used across Canada to improve first responder health and...
Avis d'intention
Autobus scolaires
School buses are a daily mode of transportation for children and youth across the country. Provincial regulations, legislation, and standards help to make school bus transportation safe.
Avis d'intention
Chauffe-eau indirects à utiliser avec une source...
This requirement applies to the construction, performance and installation procedures for a newly produced indirect water heater constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials, designed for use with an external heat...
Avis d'intention
Tuyaux et raccords de tuyaux de drainage, d'évacuation...
This Standard covers fibrocement Type 1 (Class 3000) and Type 2 (Class 4000) pipe and pipe fittings for installation in gravity-flow systems inside and outside of buildings, above and below grade. This Standard includes...